Siemens QAM2110.040 Transmissor de temperatura - Saída PT100

Entregas para o CEP:
Meios de envio

Transmissor de temperatura ou Medidor de Temperatura  


Módulo Transdutor de temperatura com saída PT100 
Faixa de medição:−50...+80 °C
Haste de 400mm 
Active sensors for acquiring the air temperature in air ducts


The QAM… duct temperature sensors are for use in ventilation and air conditioning plants as:
• Supply or extract air temperature sensors
• Limit sensors, e.g. for minimum limitation of the supply air temperature
• Reference sensors, e.g. for compensation of the room temperature as a function of the outside temperature
• Dew point temperature sensors
• Measuring sensors, e.g. for measured value indication or for connection to a building automation and control system